Role of Television in our lives

Posted by Bilal - -

Media plays a significant role in our society today. It is all around us – in the form of shows we watch on television; music we listen to on the radio; and books and magazines we read every day.

Television, more so than any of the other media, achieves a myriad of goals ranging from providing entertainment, education and information. However, for the most part, television is a medium of entertainment. In fact, it is often looked upon as a babysitter by over-worked mothers.

That is not to detract from its importance as a source of information. For most people, days are started by listening to the news on television or flicking through the plethora of morning shows. Similarly, their days normally conclude by watching the late night news on television that keeps us informed of world affairs and the events occurring around us.

We live in a fascinating world and an even more fascinating society. We are part of a culture where every morning we wake up to the energised voices of the morning news crew, whose job it is to make the rest of us as upbeat and awake as possible. When at the end of the day, exhausted and hungry we crawl home, our television, the radio, and our beloved computer are waiting patiently to be of service. In this day and age, life without technology seems utterly impossible, and life without the media simply unimaginable. As the standard of living is rising, people find themselves investing in digital cables and high speed internet connections, thereby increasing their exposure to such media as the World Wide Web and the hundreds of channels that come with digital cable.

While we are all intelligent people, with the freedom and ability to make our own choices, how much influence does media have over our decisions? I believe, a lot. While everything we experience shapes us as an individual, it is probably the commercials we see on television, that have the most influence over our choices and decisions. Ours is a world of constant technological innovation; a world where culture is created by imaginative advertisements and information is accessible with the click of a button.

Courtesy: Humsay magazine

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